Saturday 30 July 2011

Creamed rice & Orange Cake

Afternoon everyone,

I have a new addiction....homemade Creamed Rice!  I used to be a tinned creamed rice girl all the way, until a good friend of mine mentioned she makes it in the slow cooker!!!!  I was so surprised, not to mention intrigued, because I had never thought of using the slow cooker for desserts.  Well, now I have and I have to say it is SOOOO easy and the creamed rice is to die for!! (Well I think so anyway!)  So thanks Mandy, I thought I would add it to the blog for everyone to have a go at.  For those of you I am friends with on facebook, you would have noticed the discussion creamed rice created the other night.  It was hilarious, so that is the other reason I thought I would share it with you.  It seems a lot of people (Sam ;-)) have never had it before, and I for one dont want them missing out for a day longer! Lol.  So I hope you enjoy. let me know what you think.  Oh and it also works well with rice milk!

Fiona :-)

Saturday 16 July 2011

2 more...

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a great weekend! 

I have just posted another 2 recipes to the blog for you to have a look at.  Pizza muffins (by request!!) and Pumpkin soup.  I am slowly getting around to adding more recipes.  You must excuse me.  Running around after 3 kids and keeping house generally takes up most of (if not all) my time.  I am looking forward sharing more recipes with you, and I will as soon as I can ;-)  If you know of something I cook and would like the recipe, please let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope to hear from you soon.

Happy cooking.

Fi :-)

Tuesday 12 July 2011


I would also love to hear if you have used any of the recipes and know what you thought about them.  Let me know if you changed anything or added any other ingredients. Nothing better than a testimonial from people you know!

:-) Fiona

Recipe Sharing

If you have a recipe you would like to share with us on the blog, please forward it to me at and I will add it to our collection.

Have a great day!
Fiona :-)

Welcome to Recipe Muster!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Recipe Muster!  The aim of this blog is to share some family favourite, budget recipes with you all  This is a work in progress, so please forgive me as I play around with this whole new world (well to me anyway!) of blogs.

I plan to add a whole heap of recipes that I cook for my family, and hope that you will share some of your favourites with me too.  I am hoping to create a blog full of recipes that are tried and tested and LOVED!  Sometimes I find it really difficult to think of exciting meals for my family, especially ones that wont break the bank, and that don't require 'specialty' ingredients, and I am sure some (if not all) of you feel the same at times.  This is where I think we can help each other.   I want good, hearty, family friendly food that is relatively easy to prepare, in both skill and time.

For those of you who don't know me, I am wife to a wonderful and very supportive, beautiful man, and Mother to 3 gorgeous children, aged 5, 3 and 1.  So life in my house is VERY busy!!  To make things a little more interesting, my 3yo son has multiple food allergies.  So you will notice that most of my recipes are DAIRY, EGG, SOY, SESAME, NUT, TOMATO and STRAWBERRY free.  This is what we have to do in order to keep our son well, but that doesn't mean recipes submitted to me to post on the blog need to follow the same restrictions.  It is merely to explain why there is no cheese or cream or eggs etc in my recipes.

I hope that you will be able to use some of the recipes I put up here to feed your family, and I hope they enjoy them as much as mine do.

Thanks for coming on this recipe muster with me.
